About Us


farmersmanual is a trusted online platform dedicated to offering comprehensive and practical agricultural information to support farmers and agribusinesses across Nigeria and Africa. We emerged in response to the critical need for relevant and actionable agribusiness insights. Our mission is to drive positive change through every informative post, addressing the knowledge gap in agriculture one step at a time.

We are a leading source of information on events and developments within the Nigerian agrarian community. Our focus is on addressing issues affecting farming and providing practical solutions that empower our readers to become successful farmers. Our goal is to equip farmers with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive in agriculture

In addition to our informative content, we offer a range of services, including market research, agribusiness consulting, feasibility studies, technical support, training, agribusiness insurance underwriting, and farm crisis management. Our aim is to ensure that farming and agricultural businesses are enjoyable and successful ventures for our clients.


  • Our vision is to become the premier online platform for disseminating practical and relevant agricultural information, along with timely news that is essential for agribusiness owners. We aspire to be the leading source of knowledge and updates in the agricultural sector, supporting the growth and success of farmers and agribusinesses across Nigeria and beyond.


  • Our mission is multifaceted:
    1. Bridging Information Gaps: We strive to connect policymakers with implementers, researchers with farmers, and producers with markets, ensuring a seamless flow of critical information throughout the agricultural ecosystem.
    2. Enhancing Advisory Services: We are committed to improving advisory services across all agricultural sectors in Nigeria, with a specific focus on enhancing profit margins and contributing to overall economic growth.
    3. Building Capacity: Through concise articles, videos, and images, we aim to facilitate learning and skill development, empowering individuals within the agricultural community.
    4. Youth Engagement: We actively promote youth involvement in agriculture by circulating relevant and tailored information that addresses their specific needs and aspirations.

    Our mission is driven by a dedication to fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and sustainable growth within Nigeria’s agricultural landscape.


At farmersmanual, we uphold the following core values:

  • Professionalism: We provide expert advice grounded in up-to-date empirical research, ensuring accuracy and relevance in all our services.
  • Quality: We are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet the needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders.
  • Ethical Standards: We adhere strictly to ethical guidelines in all our interactions, maintaining transparency, integrity, and accountability.
  • Creativity, Flexibility, and Innovation: We embrace creativity, flexibility, and innovation to continuously improve and adapt our offerings in response to evolving agricultural challenges.


Our services cater to a diverse range of stakeholders, including:

  • Farmers and Agribusiness Operators
  • Youth interested in agriculture
  • Policymakers in the Public and Private Sectors
  • Research and Educational Institutions
  • Investors and Prospective Entrepreneurs
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • International Agricultural Organizations
  • Financial Institutions

We are dedicated to serving and empowering each of these groups through our comprehensive agricultural solutions and information dissemination.