Wednesday, October 23, 2024

    NDE Trains Unemployed Youths in Goat Production

    The National Directorate of Employment (NDE), through its Rural Employment Promotion (REP) Department has commenced training of unemployed youths across selected states in small stock (goat) production technology , using the revolving model of empowerment.

    The National Directorate of Employment (NDE), through its Rural Employment Promotion (REP) Department has commenced training of unemployed youths across selected states in small stock (goat) production technology , using the revolving model of empowerment.

    Director-General of the NDE, Mallam Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo, during the flag-off and orientation ceremony in Asaba, the state capital, disclosed that the scheme aims to train a total of 900 unemployed youths in goat production in 18 selected states of the federation at three states per geo-political Zone.

    The establishment of NDE in November 1986 was predicated on the effects of the economic recession of the ’80s, which led to a drastic reduction in capacity utilization devaluation of the Naira, privatization and commercialization of the economy that resulted to massive job losses in both the public and private sectors of the economy.

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    Fikpo, who was represented by Mrs. Enebeli Roseline, Acting Zonal Director, South-South Zone, explained that REP is aimed at revamping agriculture to boost the production of food, as well as to provide job opportunities for graduates of agriculture and school leavers trained in agricultural production.

    He added that the training under REP program covers crop production, processing, and livestock management, describing the program as a lifetime opportunity for which the participants should consider themselves privileged to have been selected.

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    According to him, objectives of Small Stock (Goat) Production training include wealth creation, poverty reduction, reduction in rural-urban migration, and provision of raw material for leather manufacturing industries.

    “In Nigeria, goat production is an economically viable business venture because its value chain for commercial production has great employment potential. It enjoys a very wide market share with all products in high demand.” he added.

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