Monday, March 31, 2025

    Making Huge Profit from Banana Farming

    The banana plant as the largest herbaceous flowering plant that is normally tall and fairly sturdy, can be easily cultivated in a wide variety of soils, as long as the soil contains a good organic to inor­ganic ratio, and perform excellently in a loamy soil.

    The banana plant as the largest herbaceous flowering plant that is normally tall and fairly sturdy, can be easily cultivated in a wide variety of soils, as long as the soil contains a good organic to inor­ganic ratio, and perform excellently in a loamy soil.

    There is a need to understand that a banana plant is not a tree as it is often mistakenly referred to, what appears to be a trunk is actually a false stem called pseudostem. Therefore, bananas cannot be grown from seeds like most trees but through suckers.

    Suckers are baby plants that  grow from a dying, mature banana plant that can be transplanted and re-grown to start new banana plants. Excess suckers should be removed and leave one or two that have spear shaped leaves.

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    One of the interesting things about banana farming is that there is no stress and expenses of planting again because as one is getting matured for harvest, another one is replacing it, they continue in that circle all year round and allow farmers to harvest and reap profits continuously.

    Another thing is that, unlike other trees, banana produces within 8-10months and do not need complicated pruning than to just remove dead leaves and dead plants near the banana, weed control in banana plantation is also minimal as the leaves provide shade to prevent weed growth.

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    The ideal time to plant bananas is February-March for early planting and October-November for late planting. It can be planted throughout the year with assured irrigation. About 500-600 suckers are needed per acre of land at the rate of 80 nairas per sucker.

    Banana enjoys wide acceptability with the ready market due to its health benefits which include the following: excellent source of energy, minerals & vita­mins, improvement of the eye, digestive tract, bones and uses as weight management diet among other benefits.




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