Sunday, October 27, 2024

    Ministers of Agriculture Collaborates to Launch Common Agenda for Farmers

    Ministers of Agriculture from Africa and the Americas have disclosed their commitment to work together in developing common agenda to address challenges and opportunities peculiar to the two continents in order to ensure sustainable food production.

    Ministers of Agriculture from Africa and the Americas have disclosed their commitment to work together in developing common agenda to address challenges and opportunities peculiar to the two continents in order to ensure sustainable food production.

    This treaty was made at the First High-Level Roundtable between Africa and the Americas, organized by the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), entitled “Building Bridges for Future Cooperation in Agrifood Systems.”

    AGRA is an alliance led by Africans with partnerships-driven institution that is transforming farming communities across the continent from a solitary struggle to survive to businesses that thrive.

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    The organization understand that African farmers need uniquely African solutions designed to meet their specific environmental and agricultural needs so they can sustainably boost production and gain access to rapidly growing agriculture markets.

    The participants at the virtual event noted that other than the cultural and historical similarities and differences between the Americas and Africa, the continents face a unique and common challenge of building knowledge-intensive agriculture which is necessary to produce more and higher quality food.

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    Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, Tereza Cristina said that it is crucial to simultaneously address agriculture and food security, as well as to reflect on free and fair agricultural trade and sustainability to improve cooperation between the two continents.

    Hailemariam Desalegn, former Prime Minister, Republic of Ethiopia and President of AGRA’s Board of Directors, commented that with support from Brazil, Ethiopia has achieved positive results in the fight against hunger, adding that African countries are eager to share experiences with Latin American and Caribbean nations.

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