Friday, March 28, 2025

    Economic Potential of Noiler Birds

    Noiler chicken is a new type of dual-purpose chicken breed that has been created through selective breeding. The bird is a cross between the broiler and the native chicken. This unique bird is the result of farmers looking to create a dual-purpose bird that could be used for both meat and eggs.

    Noiler chicken is a new type of dual-purpose chicken breed that has been created through selective breeding. The bird is a cross between the broiler and the native chicken. This unique bird is the result of farmers looking to create a dual-purpose bird that could be used for both meat and eggs.

    The Noilers have become popular with small-scale farmers because they are easy to raise and manage, they are good egg layers, and they grow to maturity quicker than other chicken breeds except broilers.

    The breeding objective of Noiler is to provide an alternative chicken breed to the local chickens known to perform poorly in meat production, egg production, and health. Noiler chickens suit all systems of production and can adjust well to poor feed or feed of lower quality.

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    What to know about the uniqueness of Noiler

    Noiler is a hybrid of a broiler and a cockerel.

    It has the high resistance of cockerels and the meat characteristics of broilers.

    It matures for meat consumption at 3 to 4 months, reaching up to 2.6 kg, depending on whether you feed them like cockerels or broilers.

    They can feed on or eat any feed given to them.

    It’s a dual-purpose breed that produces meat and eggs, and can live on a diet of kitchen and agricultural waste, and produce around 280 eggs per year, whereas native hens lay only about 40 per year.

    The meat yield per bird of Noilers is also greater; males weigh approximately 3.5 kg and females about 2.5 kg, whereas the native male bird weighs 2.5 kg and females 1.2 kg.

    Due to its unique genetic features, the Noiler is resistant to diseases.

    The Noiler chick is a potential bio-converter of no cost agricultural, household, and natural waste abundant in villages into human protein food and substantial incomes for rural households.

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    How to raise a Noiler bird

    Give antibiotics and vitamins (e.g., Enrofloxacin and Vitalyte) for the first 5 days.

    Make sure they have enough food and water every day.

    Call your veterinarian to have them vaccinated regularly according to the schedules recommended.

    Always give them multivitamins before or after vaccination.

    Drugs can be given to them after the day of vaccination, but not on the day of vaccination.

    Cost analysis of rearing 1000 Noilers

    A carton of noiler is sold for 10,500 and to get 1000 birds, 20 cartons have to be purchased, each containing 50 chicks, which is 10500*20 = 210,000

    Brooding materials such as coal pot, charcoal and others 20,000

    Antibiotics such as vitalyte and enrofloxacin 30,000

    Feeding, a bag of starter feed costs 10,000; depending on location, they consume four bags in four weeks, which equals 10,000 multiplied by four, to give 40000.

    After 4 weeks, change feed to grower mash; by then they would have grown to the level where 200 birds consume a bag per day, which means 1000 birds will consume 5 bags of feed per day, which is 35 bags per week and 140 bags per month, and is expected to reach maturity within 3 months, which means a total of 420 bags will be purchased within the period of 3 months at 420*8000 = 3360000, plus other miscellaneous expenses of 50,000, to make a total of 3,710,000 cost of production.

    Return on investment

    A mature noiler bird is expected to be ready for marketing in three months, and a mature noiler is sold for 5000 per one. Assuming mortality (death) of no more than 100 birds, leaving 900 birds, selling at 5000 per one will generate a total of 900*5000 = 4,500,000 within three months. Therefore, profit can be gotten from 4,500,000-3,710,000 to give 790,000.


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